Case studiesΒΆ

Finding common gaps in daily calendars

This case study introduces the use of piso for set operations such as piso.intersection() and piso.union() and applies it to an example where personal calendars are represented by interval arrays.

Verifying a maintenance schedule

This case study introduces the use of piso for analysis with functions that return scalars, such as piso.issuperset() and piso.coverage(). In this example maintenance schedules and windows of opportunity are represented by interval arrays.

Estimating tax payable

This case study demonstrates the use of piso.lookup() where tax brackets are represented by a pandas.DataFrame, indexed by a pandas.IntervalIndex. The tax payable for an array of income values is calculated by efficiently finding the corresponding tax brackets.

Analysis of scores in a football match

This case study introduces the idea of joins using pandas.IntervalIndex. Using piso.join() a dataframe is constructed, indexed by intervals for unique score combinations in the 2009 Chelsea vs Liverpool Champions League quarter-final.