
piso.bridge(interval_array, threshold)#

Given a set of intervals, and a threshold, merges intervals which are separated by a gap less than or equal to the threshold. Overlapping intervals will be merged, regardless of threshold value.

The intervals are contained in the object the accessor belongs to. They may be left-closed, right-closed, both, or neither, and contain overlapping intervals.

interval_arraypandas.IntervalIndex or pandas.arrays.IntervalArray

Contains the (possibly overlapping) intervals. May be left-closed or right-closed.


The value should belong to the domain that arises from a subtraction over the domain of the intervals. For instance, if intervals are timestamp data, then threshold should be timedelta.

pandas.IntervalIndex or pandas.arrays.IntervalArray

Return type will be the same type as the object the accessor belongs to.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import piso
>>> arr = pd.arrays.IntervalArray.from_tuples(
...     [(0, 4), (3, 5), (7, 8), (11, 12)],
... )
>>> piso.bridge(arr, threshold=1)
[(0.0, 5.0], (7.0, 8.0], (11.0, 12.0]]
Length: 3, closed: right, dtype: interval[float64]
>>> piso.bridge(arr, threshold=2)
[(0.0, 8.0], (11.0, 12.0]]
Length: 2, closed: right, dtype: interval[float64]
>>> piso.bridge(arr, threshold=3)
[(0.0, 12.0]]
Length: 1, closed: right, dtype: interval[float64]