

Calculates the complement of a collection of intervals (in an array) over some domain.

Equivalent to the set difference of the domain and the intervals in the array that the accessor belongs to.

domaintuple, pandas.Interval, pandas.IntervalIndex or pandas.arrays.IntervalArray, optional

Specifies the domain over which to calculate the “complement”. If domain is None, then the domain is considered to be the extremities of the intervals contained in the interval array that the accessor belongs to. If domain is a tuple then it should specify lower and upper bounds, and be equivalent to a pandas.Interval. If domain is a pandas.IntervalIndex or pandas.arrays.IntervalArray then the intervals it contains define a possibly disconnected domain.

pandas.IntervalIndex or pandas.arrays.IntervalArray

The return type will be the same as the interval array object the accessor belongs to.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import piso
>>> arr1 = pd.arrays.IntervalArray.from_tuples(
...     [(0, 4), (3, 5), (7, 8)],
... )
>>> arr1.piso.complement()
[(5, 7]]
Length: 1, closed: right, dtype: interval[int64]
>>> arr1.piso.complement((-5, 10))
[(-5, 0], (5, 7], (8, 10]]
Length: 3, closed: right, dtype: interval[int64]
>>> arr1.piso.complement(pd.Interval(-5, 6))
[(-5, 0], (5, 6]]
Length: 2, closed: right, dtype: interval[int64]
>>> domain = pd.arrays.IntervalArray.from_tuples(
...     [(-5,-2), (7,10)],
... )
>>> arr1.piso.complement(domain)
[(-5, -2], (8, 10]]
Length: 2, closed: right, dtype: interval[int64]